Sunday, November 30, 2008


Heys ... Whosoever who comes here ; pls click on this . I cant bother to change

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Hey dudes.... Im back in the computer lab... Today is the last day of the animation lessons..... Wanna see my file... bobba ... it ... is corrupted..... Now must check with ma'am

Im back... she said that i hve freedom and dont care 'bout the file..... thanks ma'am.... gonna play rs .

Blood & Strawberries Rulz.....

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Im once again in the lab... Today !!!! Then we did the animation... damn hard xia......

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Im now in the lab ... touching up on my ad.... today lesson is sooooooooo lame . Wad can we learn ?


Monday, November 3, 2008

Im still in the lab ... Half an hour more till i get out of this "heavenly " place... Just finished the ad . Can play over my dead body .The school is cheapskate.. Lousy coms ; damn slow internet.....anything that is worse than urs . Nick--that guy with no limbs.... is now @ my school . But bobba ; cant go and meet him .

Im now in the lab . Doing some post psle stuff .Shit there is a dirty-old man coming... alt-tab...pause........ (there is a kkb in front of me ) trying to act cool , calling others retarded ; dumbo--dont-insult elephants !!!!! Got to do some ads ... bye ..

Blood & strawberries......yum!
An accurate one.. lolol . Im now at Shasqil's house. We ate pizza for lunch . ryan , Leon , Arnold are all here . we played the (boring) maple-sea , PS2 computer and nothing else. dun say anything , cos i dunno wad to write...... Bobba. (Foul wordz.)
(Hee..hee... another post due by 2 days ) Yeah , I went to Temasek and Chung Cheng Open house . I went To Temasek first . I did some firing action . Using air-machineary . I used some funny pistol and shot fire pellets . Some missed some hit ( the black hole ) . I met Zhe Ming there . He was ... how should i phrased it...nvr mind. I then went to their iMac lab and checked some cool stuf . And then i said , "Bye !"
Next; Chung Cheng High school-- a very chenna (chinese ) school . Dont call me racist . They had their own "i-Cafe " and i saw some history . Blah Blah Blah