Thursday, October 30, 2008


Yeah , a accurate one. Finally !! wahoo
Today , i went to Arnold's house . It was shiok. We had some noodles for lunch . we stacked , played Wii ,....anyway , it was fun!! LOLOLOL

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Yeah , another late post... dont sigh , cause im just a late blogger..that's me!! Aye.... Letmme start , on some days or whatsoever ... , some humanes came to my house after school (Arnold , Ryan , Nigel , Shernise ) . We ate stuff ,played and bye bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

downtown zeast

yeah, once again , dis was supposed to be yesterday one.....(27 of Oktober)
Letmme start , i went to downtown east !!! I went to E!Hub and played bowling . Of course , ur would be like what the bobba (foul words ) was i able to bowl??
Of course ; i did mini bowling and nearly got three strikes in a row!!! Wahoo!!!!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

(continuing from the previous post....) Yeah , after Ck gone , we ordered McDonald's , it was 1 midnight by then... So , waited for the food , while playing the you-know-what . We asked for curry sauce but then the stupid-(i duno who) never give us the curry sauce!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
(okay , dis was supposed to continue from the previous post...dont ask why and diazo... ) Yeah , aft  the movie , we played more games on e consoles and soon , Nigel's Daddy came back . Then Nigel's  mum came back with Old Chang Kee Curry Puffs . Then the pizza man came and we ate , ate and ate . Soon , Nigel's Dad came back from school--Nathaniel (srry should there be any spelling error ) . He ate duckie rice . And we talked about halal & non-halah...blah...blah....
After that , we went for a short walk . Then , Ck's  mum called and he could not stay sad....then , I bathed and the others bathed . Then , we continued to play the game consoles . 

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Today , im @ Nigel's House (in Changi...) Jasman , Zabir , Chun Kai plus me :) (Actually , dis already started . Shit!Yeah, we went to Shell Petrol Station and we had some man-wash , then , we went to Siglap KFC ..before heading to Nigel's house . After eating the things , we played game consoles , Guitar Heroes and blog all dis stuff......
So now , i (with the others ) am watching Superhero Movie while writing this stuff....gtg...need to continue watching...:-)


Chocolate...Yeah ! That is the best snack for me to have a energy boost. I was on Youtube (again ) and found some funny chocolate comercials --you name it --Japp

Death to the childhood days!

Remember your childhood days ? Yeah , i searched Youtube and found something from Sesame Street . Elmo-- you may wanna check out this url....You cant sue me if it has anything know......

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Yeah...the world is so unfair. Favourtism , wars....pride....i really support Mr.Adam Moore (from Heroes Season 2 ) and release the virus.
Why arent fat stickman drawn ? Such a simple thing and it is not done ? And...howcome there is only one fat stickman on the Web. Prejudice tired

(dis Was supposed to be yesterday's onw... diaoz... )
Yeah , we went to the Horticulture Park.... we walked from some punky hawker center nearby Vivo city . It took me ages... I was ALWAYS At the back of the gang (the people!) . When we(me and Nigel ) barely sat down for a split-second , the gang was back in action. We walked some Henderson Waves bridge and a zig-zag metallic bridge . When we reached the Park , we did nothing but....we SLACKED . By the end of the day , i was totally Shag . And my whole body was aching ...... Down With Any F***ing Walk or Whatever Crap.

Friday, October 3, 2008


This was supposed to be on 2nd october...diao... the gift box expanded.... i received one toberlone mini chocolate bar and two cadbury Boost bar....two lolipops..... Wonder if it contains melamine......