Sunday, September 28, 2008

New Stufff

Today , we got a packet of some crackers from Madame Noor as our childrens day present. At least the gifts basket is filling up......

A reAlly Wet claSzzzzzzzz

The school had just added a"air-cooler" into our class..... It had been dazes and it was a white elephant..... Today , out of a sudden , water of height 2-4mm could be seen invading half the segment of the class ... pandemonium had arrived... sort of....

Friday, September 26, 2008

The "Best" Childrens Day ever!

This was my last primary year . We had a sooooo boring concert . Do they think we look like babies ? we had so few presents , pizza ; some keychain and nothing else...our principal "forced" us to watch some pathetic show about people in somewhere ( i dont want to name and seem to be a RACIST )  on hunger (when she is a christian     not to mention it....the bible says that...never mind ... i shall not be a "racist")...perhaps she passed a bag around for us to place some money in... just kidding--jk

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Why this funny url ?

Argh....i chose because i have a good pal Cornelius , who created his blog about something called pivot.....does it ring a bell ? But im not a animation freak , so i thought crazy-but-not-craze was better

Monday, September 22, 2008

Argh!! Sore screws!

Argh!!! I have diarrhea  and a very bad sore throat ! Why must i be sick @ dis period ???? 

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Stress Screws

im screwed sick all thanks to stress and have to stay at do what ? Nothing.. Life is really sooooooooooooo bad..... screws
Yes ! Im using the computer...just think about it...i have freedom...maybe...^_^
Ahh....i arent a racist....i just cant think of a good title....its cos i just learnt the song called 'Turkish March ' or 'Rondo Alla Turca' ........ so dont sue me........ lol--laugh out loud